Cold Process Soap Making


I've been teaching a six-week Soap Making Course at Wentworth Children's Centre and for weeks 4 and 5 we have been learning the cold press (CP) technique. We could have easily spent the whole six weeks on the CP technique but since part of the course has been family learning and we involved the children of the families there in the activities where it was appropriate for them to do so.

CP equipment (pic from @Wentworth_CC)

CP equipment (pic from @Wentworth_CC)

We had been building up to this session and this was our most technical as well as creative which explains our scales, goggles and gloves. For the first of the CP technique weeks we used the following recipe which I calculated using the fabulous

150g distilled water (or filtered water, then boiled and cooled)
60g lye
160g olive oil
160g coconut oil
40g almond oil
40g castor oil
10 g lavender essential oil


Blending the oils and lye mixes

Blending the oils and lye mixes

Achieving trace

Achieving trace

The saponified soap poured into moulds

The saponified soap poured into moulds

The soaps after 1 week

The soaps after 1 week

Soaps from week 2 with yellow and green dyes

Soaps from week 2 with yellow and green dyes

me with some of our group from the class (pic from @Wentworth_CC)

me with some of our group from the class (pic from @Wentworth_CC)