I am really pleased and proud to present...Presenting Smy Chutney, a short film made by Emma Crouch who is a London based photographer, film maker and project manager, a huge Smy Chutney supporter and also a dear friend. You can see more of Emma's work at her website -
, her
, her
, exhibited at the
and for sale at the
A few months ago, Emma and I met at
on Hanbury Street for a bit of lunch and a bit of a chat about an idea she'd had about working together. Emma and I had worked together in the past and I knew her work ethic, attention to detail and resulting work to be outstanding. I also knew that we would have a lot of fun working together and jumped at the chance to do so. This was a photo we took at our first meeting at Poppies, we look quite serious, perhaps we were really hungry or perhaps all the other photos we took were a little bit silly.
I am so pleased with the results and cannot praise or thank Emma enough. She has delivered a video that has met, and far exceeded, my expectations from our first meeting.
and remember...
it's not your chutney...
it's Smy Chutney.