Whitecross Street Market - 16 December 2010

Here we are on our second day at Whitecross Street Market. I say we as you can see my trusty Bobbin Bicycle to the left, she goes by the name of the Bicycle formerly known as Purple Princess. Hidden under the table is her partner in crime my Y-Frame cycle trailer. I am working on a blog piece on just how amazing these two key pieces of Smy Chutney kit are.

It was one of the coldest days ever spent at any market. This was largely due to the rain and icy wind. I think that I showed my true amateur stall-holder colours as most of the other traders didn't even have gloves on and at one stage I tried to put my mittens on top of my gloves. Whitecross St is a brilliant market and it is great to be in a different spot interacting with people passing by as well as the traders who have all been so lovely, friendly and helpful. I have even had customers recognise me from Broadway Market Schoolyard Expansion and other events I have done, which was a great feeling. Here's just a few more photos from yesterday. I will be at Whitecross on Thursdays and Fridays....I am not there today as I have large orders to deliver this afternoon, one of them headed to Spain!

I love this photo as it has captures Whitecross Street's present and past. You may recognise the lovely stall holders selling delicious pastries and veggie burgers as they are both at Broadway Market on Saturdays. They are in front of the recently boarded up storefronts which have been vacant for ages. They have always seemed vaguely sad to me and a reminder of what the Street once was but there are now some amazingly diverse shops up and down Whitecross St and it'd be great to see buildings alive and in use rather than deserted and dusty.

Whitecross St Market is my local market and looking to the left of my stall if you have exceptional eyesight you will see two of my other favourite haunts, the Barbican and Waitrose. I just love where I live and am really looking forward to getting to know Whitecross St and the market that much better. Again, apologies for not being down there today but do come down and visit me next week!

and remember...
it's not you chutney...
it's Smy Chutney.