Kieran Tries Six-Pepper Jelly

Here is a simple vid of Kieran trying Smy Chutney Six-pepper jelly. If you send in a video or something creative of you enjoying Smy Chutney you will get free samples!!!!

And remember...
it's not your chutney
it's Smy Chutney.

Smy Chutney de Ruibarbo

Ismael and Jaume sampling welsh rarebit made with Smy Chutney rhubarb chutney and questioning, "Que es rhubarb?" Is it:

a: an Aphex Twin track
b: a vegetable
c: super bueno
d:a delicious flavour of Smy Chutney
e: all of the above

If you answered e, then you answered correctly!

While this video is rather charming, I do wish that I hadn't mucked up the video of Ismael tasting six-pepper jelly which ended up with a slightly red-faced Ismael declaring six-pepper jelly, "muy, muy picante!" and remember...

it's not your's Smy Chutney.

Crouch's Crumpets

Here's a recipe idea for Crouch's Crumpets from the lovely Emma, an imminent crumpetologist and smy chutney fan. It's no surprise that she has teamed up crumpets and smy chutney six-pepper jelly. A massive thanks to Emma and remember.....

It's not your chutney, it's Smy Chutney.

©2010 smy chutney

Bubble Bubble, Toil and Trouble

Welcome to Smy Chutney blog! I always feel like a bit of a witch when I am brewing up batches of chutney in my massive cauldron. There's always that moment when the chutney, jam or jelly starts bubbling away and it's like it is trying to tell me something but I daren't get too close or it might spit it's molten contents in my ear. This blog is the more interactive side to so please send in your comments, pictures and recipe ideas and they may end up on here or Thanks again for all your comments, feedback and support and remember....

It's not your chutney, it's Smy Chutney.