Cake Making Workshops

Simple ingredients, recipes and techniques are used to create a wide range of delicious baked goods including scones, brownies, chocolate chip cookies, biscuits, cupcakes, cakes and cake decorating such as butter cream icings, sugar icings, brittle, pralines and more. Students gain knowledge and skills regarding food, cooking and nutrition. They leave with baked goods that they eat themselves or give as gifts to family and friends, eager to try their recipes again and to find new ones.



Sample Courses 

  • 1/2 day course with participants creating at least two baked goods
  • 1 day course with participants creating at least three baked goods
  • Please note that the above courses give a rough idea of course length but can be tailored to suit any length of time, class size and/or budget.


Potential Learning Outcomes:

  • Use common units of measure, convert between related units of the metric system and carry out calculations. (Numeracy)
  • Explore numbers, understand quantities and use them to count, create sequences and describe order. (Numeracy)
  • Develop listening, watching and understanding skills from tutor and resources. (Literacy)
  • Use search facilities of electronic sources to access and retrieve information. (ICT)
  • Take photographs or recording sound and images to represent my experiences and the world around me.  (ICT)
  • Explore and use technologies to communicate with others, i.e.- social media/blogs/on-line shop. (ICT)
  • Discover how fruits and vegetables are nutritionally important.
  • Identify the different ways that preserves are made and used.
  • Develop ideas and designs for preserves recipes. 
  • Define, discuss and use different decorations and techniques to customise preserve jars.